
Ogun State Governor Promises Reconstruction of Ikenne Township Road

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Ogun State Governor Promises Reconstruction of Ikenne Township Road
Governor Abiodun’s Pledge: Ikenne Township Road Redevelopment

Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, has announced his administration’s commitment to awarding the contract for the reconstruction of the Ikenne township road. Governor Abiodun made this announcement during the 47th annual Ereke Day celebration held in Ikenne Remo. The reconstruction project is set to commence from the Aiyepe junction and is aligned with the theme of this year’s celebration, which is the “Divine Year of Accomplishment.”

Highlighting the significance of this initiative, Governor Abiodun emphasized that the reconstruction of the township road would complement the recently completed section of the road from Sagamu. He explained that the decision to complete only one side of the Sagamu-Ikenne road was based on careful consideration of traffic patterns and cost-benefit analysis. However, he assured the community that the road from Aiyepe junction to Uren River would be addressed promptly.

Additionally, Governor Abiodun shared plans to convert the Model School in Ikenne, which had been abandoned by the previous administration, into a World Class Centre of Excellence under his administration.

Governor Abiodun also provided updates on the progress of the Ogun State Agro Cargo Airport, stating that it would soon be commissioned, with commercial activities set to commence. He expressed optimism about the airport’s role in improving accessibility and announced the establishment of the Ogun State Dry Port at the Kajola-Papalanto axis, further enhancing transportation options for manufacturers and exporters.

Regarding the state’s financial achievements, Governor Abiodun credited the rise in Internally Generated Revenue to the strong political will of his administration. He acknowledged the state’s remarkable improvement in revenue generation, as recognized by Budgit, and expressed his commitment to continuing efforts that would lead to sustainable growth and prosperity for Ogun State.

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