
Soludo’s Govt Begins Special Clean-up In Four Anambra Councils

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Soludo’s Govt Begins Special Clean-up In Four Anambra Councils
Charles Chukwuma Soludo

Following an initial report on planned special clean-up during which markets in Anambra State would be shut for at least two days, the government of Professor Chukwuma Soludo has announced that the project would begin on Friday April 1, 2022.

The first phase will, however, run for four days, ending on Monday, April 4.

The State said it would be embarking ”massive and intensive waste evacuation and de-silting of drainages’ in at least four Local Governments.

The affected areas are Onitsha South, Onitsha North, Ogbaru And Idemili North local governments. The clean-up will run till Monday April 4, 2022.

A statement emanating from the Government House, Awka informed that, ”Mr. Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo has approved a lockdown in four Local Governments from 7.00am to 6.00pm daily to guarantee success of the exercise”

The notice also urged all ”stakeholders, including leaders of religious organizations, market organizations, town unions, youth organizations, landlord associations,” to spread this message among their members.

It also implored citizens to co-operate with the Government Special Committee led by Mr Deputy Governor, Dr.Onyekachukwu Ibezim by minimizing vehicular movement, dropping their refuse in the receptacles and waste bins and desisting from dropping wastes in drainages. ”They are also encouraged to volunteer their services in any form to enhance the success of the exercise.

The notice stressed that the intensive waste evacuation and de-silting of drainages exercise ”is imperative to curb the menace and devastation of flood and erosion.It is also geared towards preventing health hazards caused by unhygienic environment and poor waste management such as mosquito induced malaria, respiratory infections and a host of others.”

It added that the exercise would be replicated in other local governments in the State.

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