
National Union Road Transport Workers President Baruwa Released from Detention

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National Union Road Transport Workers President Baruwa Released from Detention
NURTW President Prof. Baruwa’s Release

The President of the National Union Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Prof. Tajudeen Baruwa, has been released from police detention after an incident that shook the nation’s transportation sector. Addressing journalists in Abuja on Thursday, Baruwa urged union members to exercise restraint and cautioned against the spread of “inflammatory statements that could undermine the union’s stability.”

Providing a detailed account of the events that transpired after his detention alongside the former Lagos State chairman of the union, Tajudeen Agbede, on August 11, 2023, Prof. Baruwa disclosed that the police had taken measures to “safeguard” the NURTW secretariat. This action came in response to intelligence indicating plans by specific factions within the union to stage a protest at the national secretariat situated in Garki 2, Abuja, in the wake of his arrest.

“We are sending out a strong call to our members across all states to maintain calm, exhibit peaceful conduct, and adhere to the law in their day-to-day activities,” Prof. Baruwa asserted. He further emphasized the importance of prioritizing the collective interests of the union above personal matters, reassuring members that the ongoing issue is under active resolution.

In an attempt to thwart any potential disruptions to public peace, Prof. Baruwa implored all members to uphold lawful behavior. He emphasized the NURTW’s steadfast commitment to preserving the prevailing tranquility that has characterized the union over the years. The union, he stressed, is unwavering in its determination to protect its distinguished track record and accomplishments.

Extending gratitude to key stakeholders who stepped in during this trying time, Prof. Baruwa lauded the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) for its rapid intervention. “We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Nigerian Labour Congress, as well as our members at the various state councils and branches, for their unwavering support and their resolute intervention in addressing the issue,” he added.

The transport industry, a vital component of the nation’s economy, now watches with bated breath as the NURTW seeks to navigate this challenging period and maintain its longstanding legacy of unity and peaceful coexistence. With Prof. Baruwa’s release and his impassioned plea for harmony, the union takes a step forward in the direction of reconciliation and stability. As negotiations continue, all eyes remain on the NURTW and its efforts to restore normalcy within its ranks and the broader transportation sector.

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