
Soldiers Invade Police Command Headquarters In Osun

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Soldiers Invade Police Command Headquarters In Osun

Some armed soldiers allegedly invaded the Osun State Police Command headquarters in Osogbo  causing panic in the area on Monday.

According to some traders near the police headquarters who were eye witnesses, three of the soldiers had already entered the premises before the others were stopped at the gate.

A trader, who identified as Nkechi, claimed that many traders like her had hurriedly closed their shops to avoid being caught in the feud.

She also said that  about 25 armed soldiers were seen at the gate of the headquarters around 1pm in hot argument with the policemen.

“Later, a senior police officer with the name tag, Edward Ebuka, intervened and the soldiers left the area,” Nkechi said.

According to reports, a top security source revealed that the three soldiers who entered the premises, were arrested and disarmed by the policemen, while the others left.

He said the mission of the soldiers in the area might be connected with the arrest and detention of a soldier on Saturday for an offence.

Those who came had planned to disarm our men at the gate. A soldier is being held at the State Criminal Investigation Bureau since Saturday for an offence I don’t know.

“I think those soldiers, who came to the command headquarters, wanted to forcefully free him. Presently, four soldiers are being held here.”  the source said.

Soldiers Invade Police Command Headquarters In Osun
Folasade Odoro

Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Folasade Odoro, neither confirmed nor denied the incident, she however said she would disclosed what really happened after investigations.


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