
Shakira and Tom Cruise Not Dating, Sources Confirm

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Miami, FL – Fans of Shakira can now breathe a sigh of relief as rumors of her dating Tom Cruise have been debunked. Reliable sources close to the Colombian singer have confirmed that Shakira is very much single and her interactions with Cruise were solely due to their shared famous mutual friend.

Shakira and Tom Cruise Not Dating, Sources Confirm
Tom Cruise and Shakira

According to insiders, both Tom Cruise and Shakira were invited to the F1 Miami Grand Prix by Lewis Hamilton, the renowned Team Mercedes driver and the biggest name in the sport. This explains their multiple sightings together during the race weekend.

Regarding the recent report from Page Six that Tom Cruise sent Shakira flowers, our source could not confirm the authenticity of the claim. However, it was emphasized that Shakira is currently not interested in dating and is focused on other aspects of her life.

Shakira was seen enjoying a boat outing with friends, including Lewis Hamilton, earlier this week. However, our sources affirm that there is no romantic involvement between Shakira and Hamilton, as their relationship remains purely friendly.

After ending her 11-year relationship with soccer star Gerard PiquΓ©, Shakira made the decision to relocate from Barcelona to Miami. Embracing her new life in the vibrant city, she has been spotted attending F1 races and enjoying celebrity-filled boat rides. Shakira seems to be relishing her new Miami lifestyle and making the most of her time in the city.

With the confirmation that Shakira and Tom Cruise are not romantically involved, fans can now focus on supporting the singer as she explores new opportunities and continues to captivate audiences with her incredible talent.

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