
Meet The First Nigerian To Import Bulletproof Car And Got Assassinated

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Meet The First Nigerian To Import Bulletproof Car And Got Assassinated
Samuel Ladoke Akintola

Celebrated politician, chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, was the first man to import a bulletproof car into Nigeria in 1964. The car was a Mercedes Benz worth £8,000.

Akintola has been described as a political strategist and an orator of note, who rubbed shoulders with the likes of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and the Cicero of Esaoke, late Chief Bola Ige.

Meet The First Nigerian To Import Bulletproof Car And Got Assassinated
Ladoke Akintola’s limousine

He was the 13th Aare Ona Kakanfo XIII of Yoruba, a highly revered traditional title in Yoruba land and also a great politician who was one of the founding members of modern Nigeria.

S.L.A, as he was popularly called, was born in Ogbomosho, Oyo State on July 6, 1910, to Akintola Akinbola and his mother, Akanke. He was a Baptist Lay Preacher, a Yoruba Fundamentalist, and an Attorney.

Meet The First Nigerian To Import Bulletproof Car And Got Assassinated
Samuel Ladoke Akintola is the first Nigerian to import a bullet-proof car

Akintola was a school teacher, railway worker, humorous scholar, linguist with enviable brilliance. He branched into journalism when he joined the Nigerian Daily Service Newspaper in 1942, from where he rose steadily to become the Editor.

He founded “Iroyin Yoruba”, a newspaper written in the Yoruba language.

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