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Jessica Jones Season 2 Premieres Behind Schedule

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Jessica Jones Season 2 Premieres Behind Schedule

Marvel’s Jessica Jones returns with Season 2 on Thursday, March 8, a day behind expected schedule. However, we could justify the reason that the International Women’s Day was chosen as the premiere day.

The Marvel and Netflix collaborated series follows the adventures of a woman on this day, and it makes even more sense when you dig a little deeper. The theme of the show fits perfectly in the current wave of female empowerment (such as the #MeToo campaign) as it revolves around several strong women coming from a range of backgrounds.

Season two of Marvel’s Jessica Jones would make an ideal half of a double-feature with Logan, provided you had a big bottle of antidepressants on hand.

Besides the neo-noir stylings and the choice of a bitter, sarcastic, hard-drinking loner as its protagonist, Melissa Rosenberg’s Netflix drama gets closer to realistic psychology than most superhero stories, to the point that watching the first part of the new season becomes an endurance test.

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