
Interesting! Check Out Oscar Pistorius’ Prison Single Room Cell

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Interesting! Check Out Oscar Pistorius' Prison Single Room Cell

Convicted murderer Oscar Pistorius is serving his six-year sentence for killing his girlfriend in a single hospital prison cell, an official said Thursday.

The disgraced paralympian is in the same cell in Pretoria’s Kgosi Mampuru prison he was previously incarcerated for one year.

Manelisi Wolela, spokesman for the Department of Correctional Services, said the special accommodation was due to his disability and that the prison had never had a double amputee inmate before.

β€œHe is in the same facility in the hospital section of the Pretoria prison,” Wolela told AFP.

Interesting! Check Out Oscar Pistorius' Prison Single Room Cell
Oscar Pistorius single-cell room
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