
‘I Only Added Weight’ – Actress, Oge Okoye Denies Having B00bs & Butt Implant

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'I Only Added Weight' - Actress, Oge Okoye Denies Having B00bs & Butt Implant
Oge Okoye

Nollywood actress, Oge Okoye has denied rumours that she had bosom and butts implants, saying she adding weight.

Speaking with encomium.ng on Monday, November 14, 2016, the beautiful actress swiftly debunked the tale insisting there’s no truth in it.

“That’s not true at all. Why will I choose to go for butts or Bosom implant?
Although, I have added weight which I also noticed, I didn’t undergo any surgery. Each time I notice I am getting fatter, I always go to the gym. And actually, that’s what I am doing at the moment. I am not at all that comfortable getting fatter, I just have to shed some weight.”

The Imo born thespian who will be a year older on Wednesday, November 15, 2016, has expressed gratitude to God for adding yet another beautiful year.

“Yes, I will be a year older on Wednesday, November, 2016 but it will only be celebrated with a couple of friends. I thank God for adding another year.”

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