Timothee Chalamet tried to keep a low profile at Coachella on Friday, amidst rumors of his alleged romantic relationship with Kylie Jenner. However, the actor’s efforts to remain inconspicuous were unsuccessful. TMZ obtained images of Chalamet wearing sunglasses and a large cloth wrapped around his head at the music festival in Indio, CA.
Chalamet’s conspicuous disguise only attracted the attention of paparazzi, eager to capture photos of the actor, though Kylie Jenner was not spotted nearby. The pair have been making headlines recently due to their rumored budding romance.
Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet interacting during Paris Fashion Week in resurfaced video amid dating rumors. pic.twitter.com/kWc7Vlsd9z
— Buzzing Pop (@BuzzingPop) April 8, 2023
Chalamet and Jenner have been seen together multiple times around Los Angeles, including grabbing Mexican food at Tito’s Tacos in Culver City and attending a private get-together at Chalamet’s Beverly Hills home, with Jenner’s Range Rover parked in the driveway.
The duo was first recorded on video together at Paris Fashion Week in January. Although their relationship appears to be progressing, neither party has officially confirmed that they are dating. However, fans should stay tuned for potential updates on the status of this rumored romance.
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