Renowned Nigerian actress, Adesua Etomi, has recently become the center of attention on social media after a Twitter user, @ayo_management, shared a nostalgic photo featuring the actress as a child.
The tweet showcased a charming throwback photo from the user’s parents’ wedding day, where a young Adesua Etomi was seen as the little bride. Dressed in an adorable white dress, the actress stole the spotlight, sparking a flurry of reactions from online users.
Ayo, the Twitter user who shared the photo, revealed that he only recently discovered the connection between his family and the famed actress. According to his tweets, his mother served in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Owerri, where Adesua’s father held the rank of Major at the 32 Artillery Division in Obinze-Owerri. The wedding gown worn by Ayo’s mother was generously given by Adesua’s mother, further solidifying the connection between the two families.
Just found out today that @AdesuaEtomiW was my Mum’s little bride ????????.
Back story to this, my mum served in Owerri, Adesuwa dad was a Major at 32 Artillery Division Obinze-Owerri then.
And that wedding gown my mum wore was given by Adesuaetomis mum.
— Ayo To The World (@ayo_management) April 14, 2023
Picture was taken November 10, 1990.
— Ayo To The World (@ayo_management) April 14, 2023
Ayo also shared that Adesua’s mother was known for her kindness and hospitality towards corp members. He expressed his mother’s desire to reconnect with the Etomi family if the opportunity arises.
As the photograph gained traction on social media platforms, it generated a range of engaging reactions from netizens, further highlighting the actress’s popularity and influence.
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