Hilda Baci, the renowned Guiness World Record holder for her exceptional culinary skills, is set to captivate Lagos with a spectacular display of her talent on Friday, July 14. This extraordinary event aims to raise funds for a deserving widow, showcasing the philanthropic efforts of Joseph Edgar, popularly known as The Duke of Shomolu. As the CEO of Duke of Shomolu Productions, a prominent theatrical play producing outfit, Edgar shared this exciting news with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday.
During the event, Baci will showcase her mesmerizing culinary artistry, which led her to secure the coveted Guiness World Record. The objective is to generate one million Naira in support of a widow, fostering self-reliance and empowerment among this vulnerable group of individuals. This initiative, organized for the past three years, has already raised over ten million Naira to benefit deserving widows.
Edgar revealed that the initiative revolves around the concept of close friends and associates of The Duke of Shomolu contributing monetary gifts instead of traditional presents to commemorate his birthdays. The cash gifts are subsequently directed towards assisting widows nominated by members of the public. Last year alone, four deserving widows received a total donation of two million Naira from the friends and associates of The Duke of Shomolu.
This year’s fundraising efforts have been even more successful, with an impressive sum of three million Naira raised. The winner of the fundraising campaign, who received one million Naira, was nominated by Mr. Yemi Odusanya, a director at Keystone Bank. Coincidentally, Odusanya shares the same birthday as The Duke. Additionally, Edgar himself personally selected ten other widows from nearly one hundred nominations to each receive one million Naira.
The Ivy Hotel at Emerald in Ikeja GRA, Lagos, has been chosen as the venue for this exceptional culinary experience. Hilda Baci will be preparing her tantalizing dishes for a select group of ten individuals, providing an exclusive and unforgettable dining experience. The event is graciously sponsored by Prothrive Astute Heights Ltd., the esteemed manufacturer of Grandios Pap, as part of the company’s commitment to social responsibility.
The upcoming event promises to be a sensational affair, featuring the extraordinary talents of Hilda Baci while supporting a noble cause. With her unrivaled culinary skills and the Duke of Shomolu’s philanthropic endeavors, the event aims to make a lasting impact on the lives of widows in need. Stay tuned for an unforgettable evening of culinary excellence and charitable giving. (NAN)
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