
What is today’s Wordle answer 234?

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What is today's Wordle answer 234?

Spoiler ahead.

Another day, another Wordle.

The viral puzzle game has taken the internet by storm with millions of daily players flocking to social media to share their tragedies and triumphs.

The rules are pretty simple, so don’t worry if you’re a beginner. Basically, players have six chances to guess a five-letter word.

When the letter is correct, the box turns green. If you have the right letter but in the wrong box, it turns yellow. All incorrect letters turn grey.

Want a hint for today’s word? Hint: the home for photos.

The answer for Tuesday 8th February is “FRAME”, a rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane. Or, referring to someone’s build.

Well done to those who guessed correctly (and if you answered incorrectly there’s always tomorrow’s puzzle to redeem yourself).

Though if you want another bash at it you could always be sneaky and use an Incognito tab for another shot.

TechPreneur & Marketing Executive

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