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The Poster For James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ Has King Shark And An Incredible Tagline

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The Poster For James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ Has King Shark And An Incredible Tagline
The Poster for James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ Has King Shark and an Incredible Tagline

A special The Suicide Squad poster was released today in concert with the film’s DC FanDome panel, and boy is it an absolute delight.

The film is a follow-up/reboot of sorts following David Ayer’s 2016 film, keeping a few characters (Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney’s Captain Boomerang, etc.) but mostly building out a brand new team under the creative direction of writer/director James Gunn.

Indeed, when Gunn briefly left Marvel over the resurfacing of old, offensive tweets (a dumb decision on Disney’s part, one they reversed weeks later), Warner Bros. swooped in and offered him the chance to direct pretty much any DC movie he wanted. He decided he wanted to make a Suicide Squad movie. It was a curious choice, but today’s unveiling of the first footage and cast of characters sheds light on why the Guardians of the Galaxy and Super writer/director was drawn to this particular property.

The Poster for James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad’ Has King Shark and an Incredible Tagline

Gunn’s take on the project is described as a “gritty 70s war movie” vibe, and indeed the behind-the-scenes footage showed a lot of gunfire and a cadre of goofy throwback costumes. The filmmaker went so far as to say The Suicide Squad contains more explosions than any Marvel movie ever, which is reflected in what Gunn describes as a “fan poster” made specifically for DC FanDome.

The tagline? “Boom.” Just “Boom.” And it’s kind of perfect, as we also see the Suicide Squad members running away from a massive explosion, guns a’blazing.

Still no word on whether the film will be Rated R or not, but following the success of Deadpool, Logan, and Joker I wouldn’t be surprised if it is. And boy the idea of an R-rated goofy-ass 70s-inspired Suicide Squad movie from James Gunn is extremely enticing. Especially after seeing that footage.

The Suicide Squad is set for release on August 6, 2021. Check out two slightly different The Suicide Squad posters below (hint: look at Robbie and Idris Elba). Then, be sure to get even more updates on The Suicide Squad with the new images from set, cast images, behind-the-scenes footage, and the cast roll call.

Mayegun Omo Alhaji Here for the buzz

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