
The Moment The Explosion In Beirut Hurled A Journalist Across A Room [VIDEO]

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The Moment The Explosion In Beirut Hurled A Journalist Across A Room [VIDEO]
Over a hundred persons have been reported dead in the explosion which rocked the region yesterday

A video showing the moment a journalist in Beirut, Lebanon was hurled off her feet and flung across a room during an interview has made its way online.

In the video clip, BBC News Arabic journalist Maryam Toumi is seen speaking in her interviewee Faisal Al-Aseel, who is the project manager at the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy.

As the interview progresses, Toumi hears a loud thud and stops speaking. As she looks around, a deafening shockwave tears through the building she is in, throwing her off-camera as she screams in the background.

Al-Aseel watches in shock as the fallen journalist manages to straighten her camera and pull herself back on her feet.

Over 100 persons have died from the blast which occurred yesterday, August 4, 2020, with more than 4,000 sustaining injuries.

See the video below:

A graduate of Theatre Arts who is also a scriptwriter, editor, director, and movie critic.

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