In a shocking turn of events, the renowned native doctor from Anambra State, known as ‘Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki’ but with the real name Chidozie Nwangwu, was released from captivity on Saturday morning after a gruesome abduction ordeal. The celebrity native doctor hails from Oba community in Idemili South Local Council and had been held hostage by unknown gunmen at his palatial hotel, Triple-P, for six harrowing days.
Nwangwu’s release came at a staggering cost, with his family, friends, and associates allegedly paying a hefty ransom of N350 million to secure his freedom. The abductors initially demanded N300 million, which was provided, but they later demanded an additional N50 million, which was also paid to secure the release of the widely-reputed wealthiest native doctor in the region.
According to eyewitnesses, the abduction took place on Sunday, July 13, at approximately 11:30 a.m., during which two of Nwangwu’s security guards were fatally shot by the assailants. The native doctor, who had been a subject of envy and admiration in the area, was taken away from his hotel by the gunmen, prompting panic and distress among his family, admirers, and the community.
Upon his release, the entire community erupted in celebration and relief. Nwangwu’s well-wishers and sympathizers flocked to his home in Oba, Idemili South Local Council, to rejoice with him and share in the joy of his safe return.
In an exclusive interview, Nwangwu revealed the shocking extent of the tragedy that unfolded during his captivity. He disclosed that he witnessed the merciless killing of approximately 20 other abductees by the kidnappers at their den. The native doctor attributed the motive of the abduction to the sit-at-home order, which had caused unrest in the region.
According to Nwangwu, his abductors had dropped the names of more individuals they intended to kidnap but withheld further details, seemingly threatening to carry out more kidnappings. He explained that while he could have escaped from the kidnappers’ den, he decided to comply to protect the lives of other potential victims.
“This whole thing is related to sit-at-home, and they mentioned names of more people they will take, but it’s not something I can say now,” Nwangwu stated. “They killed many in my presence. They killed up to 20 people before me. I did not take anyone’s money; they just came to kidnap, and their target was people who have money. They wanted to kidnap as many as 50 people from my hotel that day, but I rather followed them.”
The State Police Command, through its spokesperson Toochukwu Ikenga, confirmed Nwangwu’s release and revealed that they would debrief him to gain crucial information leading to the identity of his abductors. This information could aid the authorities in apprehending the perpetrators and curbing such heinous acts in the future.
Nwangwu, however, dismissed speculations that he couldn’t escape during the abduction, explaining that the kidnappers would have inflicted more harm on other victims if he had attempted to flee. He further asserted that the ordeal had left him traumatized but resolute in his belief that both charms and wealth were essential for a person’s security and survival.
As investigations continue into this distressing incident, the community stands united in condemning the rising cases of kidnappings and violence, seeking lasting solutions to ensure the safety and security of its residents. The revelation of the tragic deaths of 20 abducted victims has sent shockwaves across the region, emphasizing the urgency for effective measures to combat the scourge of kidnapping.
With the details of this dreadful experience now emerging, there is hope that justice will be served, and the perpetrators will face the full force of the law. The story of Chidozie Nwangwu’s abduction and release will undoubtedly serve as a chilling reminder of the dangers that continue to plague the region, urging both the government and the community to join hands in confronting this menace head-on.
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