
Comedian Nedu claims side-chicks give married men peace

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Comedian Nedu claims side-chicks give married men peace
The Honest Bunch: Comedian Nedu’s Views on Side-Chicks


Popular Nigerian on-air-personality, Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, who is commonly known as Nedu, has stirred up controversy with his recent remarks on side-chicks. In the latest episode of The Honest Bunch podcast which he co-hosts, Nedu claimed that side-chicks give married men peace of mind.

According to the comedian, most men tolerate their nagging wives because of the calming influence of their side-chicks. He expressed his gratitude to all the side-chicks out there, stating that they provide men with a respite from the stress of married life.

Nedu explained that when men are feeling overwhelmed by their wives’ constant nagging, they often visit their side-chick to cool off before returning home. By the time they get back, they are more relaxed and better able to handle their wives’ complaints.

The comedian’s comments have sparked outrage on social media, with many people calling him out for promoting infidelity and disrespecting women. Some have accused him of encouraging men to cheat on their spouses and devaluing the institution of marriage.

It is important to note that infidelity is not a solution to marital problems and can have serious consequences for all parties involved. It is crucial for individuals in relationships to communicate openly and honestly with their partners, and seek professional help if necessary, rather than turning to extramarital affairs as a coping mechanism.

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