
8 Hot Dog Food Combinations That You Should Try Out Today

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8 Hot Dog Food Combinations That You Should Try Out Today
8 Hot Dog Food Combinations That You Should Try Out Today

Are you that type that just commonize hot dog? Or you don’t even commonize it, it Is just that you don’t know food that you can make it with? TalkGlitz have good news for you as we are going to give you 8 hot dog food combinations. They are:

  1. Hot dog pie: it is not every time that your pie has to be meat or fish pie. Try adding hot dog to your recipes; you are going to enjoy the outcome. To enjoy your hot dog pie you can take it with chilled soda drink, juice or yoghurt. If you are on diet, you can just enjoy your hot dog pie with low fat yoghurt.

    Hot Dog Frittata

  2. Hot dog frittata: many people enjoy eating frittata, especially plantain frittata and egg frittata that is common in Nigeria. For you to have better taste and bite of your frittata among other recipes add hot dog. You can even decide to just have a pure hot dog frittata where the major recipes will just be your eggs, hot dogs, green pepper, red bell pepper etc.
  3. Hot dog pizza: you can also have your hot dog pizza, this is yummy, you really need to try it. You can check for recipes online. Have your pizza in a very special way than the usual chicken or beef pizza.

    Hot Dog Spaghetti

  4. Hot dog spaghetti: one of the creative and delicious ways to make pasta is to combine it with hot dog. Hot dog spaghetti is a meal that everyone should enjoy. You grab your own portion of the sweetness today, by trying out hot dog spaghetti
  5.   Hot dog egg sauce: do you wish to eat your yam, potato and rice but tired of your usual sauce? Why not try making hot dog sauce, it is not the everyday egg sauce, you are certainly going to enjoy it.
  6. Hot dog buns: most people are familiar with buns, this however is not the regular kind of buns. Check out the picture above and treat yourself great by try making it
  7. Sausage bread roll: no perfect sausage bread roll without hot dog. Hot dog is a major recipe and sweetener for it.

    Hot Dog Twist

  8. Hot dog twist: enjoy your hot dog like never before by making an hot dog twist.

Summarily, take out time to try out any of these special foods today, you will really appreciate yourself afterwards!

- Vast speaker, writer on Relationship & Marriage. - Law undergraduate - Financial & Capital Market Enthusiast

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