
10 Signs That You’re In Love With Someone

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10 Signs That You’re In Love With Someone

Have you been wondering whether or not you are in love with someone? Probably you are feeling like you are in love but you are not sure yet. TalkGlitz has come to help you with the signs that show that you are already in love.

Here are 10 signs that you’re in love with someone:

Best Friends Washing Dishes Together

#1 You Are Happier

Being in love has a way of making you happier, it seems like everything is fine with you. This is because you are so satisfied with affection you are currently experiencing. When you’re in love, you’re excited to do things you’ve already done a million times before, just with the person this time. He or she is the first one you think of when you see a romantic movie preview or when you’re planning to make a quick trip to the nearest fast food place. You’d even be willing to sit through four hours of a sports game, even if you hate sports. When you’re in love, the basis of your perception changes, you start having good vibes. It can be compared to a feeling of being really awake and excited. You have found someone that makes everything feel new and intriguing, even if it’s just sitting on the couch watching TV.

#2 The Person’s thought Stays On Your Mind

A Jealous Lady Seeing Her Friend With Another Lady

This person is on your mind literally all the time. When you’re in love, the person is always on your mind. You might have a sudden thought to call him or her because you haven’t chatted in a few hours or you go into a clothing store with the intention of buying something for yourself and then end up buying something for the person too. When you love someone, you can brush it off and think of other things as you go about your day. When you’re in love, this person is always on your mind, but it isn’t overwhelming. You are physically, mentally and emotionally attracted to him or her, so his or her thought is what you ponder on. It is like you don’t have things you were once thinking about, you just start seeing that your new focus is on the person.

#3 Get Jealous Seeing Another Having More Of The Person’s Attention

A little bit of jealousy is natural. It’s understandable because you want the person to be only exclusive to you. Jealousy becomes dangerous when you start obsessing over what your partner’s doing, so much so that you do stuff like look through their phone without them knowing. Going out of your way to find out what your partner’s doing is toxic behavior and might signal you’re not in a healthy relationship. But that you are in love, you just start having this possessive right for the person and believe he or she is for you than any other. You don’t enjoy seeing him or her with another to the extent that the other person gets his or her attention more than how you have it.

#4 You Start Picturing Future Together With Him/Her

You start planning for the future with him or her. When you are truly in love with someone, you know that you don’t have plans to let them go any time soon, if ever. So, you start to include them in all your future plans, whether it’s going on vacation or figuring out where you want to live when you’re older. You start thinking of your partner when you’re making big decisions because you want them to be there for it all. When you’re in love, your babe becomes your permanent “plus one. You do not believe in any future that you cannot picture him or her in. You always just have to picture this person in your future.

Two Friends That Enjoy The Company Of Each Other

#5 You Just Want To Be Around Him/Her

When you are in love with someone, he or she is the atmosphere you want to stay. Even when you have nothing to say, you just want to be with him or her, to you having him or her around is enough. You can have many people around you, when this person is not around, you still feel lonely. The presence of that person is enough to keep you lively, so you just want the person.

Couple Communicating

#6 You Enjoy Talking With Him/Her

When you are in love, you desire to tell the person even the smallest thing that can matter. Every latest information you have, you want to share with the person. True love is an open book to his or her lover, you are just so open to the person that there is nothing you won’t be able to let him or her know about. The person may not even ask you before you start telling him or her.

#7 Everything Remind You Of Him/Her

You start seeing the person in every moment, It can even be that you are seeing a movie, all you may be reminded of by the movie is the person. Voices around you seem similar to that of the person, you will always see something around to keep him or her in your memory.

A Lady Missing Her Friend

#8 No Matter How Long You’ve Been Together, You Still Miss Him/Her

To miss someone you are in love with is very normal, you may even be wondering why you are missing him or her after spending so much time together. This is very normal, don’t ponder too long on why you are missing the person, just know you are already in love.

#9 Becoming A Better Person To Suit Him/Her

You know you’re in love when being with your second half makes you want to improve yourself in some way, whether it’s setting new goals or having a more positive attitude. Your partner should push you towards becoming better, but not in a way that’s consistently negative. “If a partner isn’t building you up, then you must consider looking elsewhere for love. When you’re truly in love with someone, you want your partner to succeed as much as you because you want to create a stable future for the both of you. You always try as much as it won’t hurt you to be better for him or her.

A Guy Meeting His Friend’s Best Friend

#10 Willing To Let Him/Her Meet Your Family And Friends

You want to bring them around your family and friends so he or she can be part of them too. When you’re really into a person, you want to bring him or her into all aspects of your life. You want to introduce him or her to your family and friends with the hope that they’ll really like him or her because it would hurt you if they didn’t. If you’re introducing the person to your family and friends, it’s usually because you genuinely want your relationship to last. Since your family and friends are important to you, this person is important to you also, so you like him or her to meet them and that may be a pointer that you will still all become one family.

In conclusion, when you are obviously acting the above-listed signs, you are already in love. Other signs may also include, not getting tired of talking to them whether on phone or physically, want to eat with the person and have body contact, no matter how slight.

- Vast speaker, writer on Relationship & Marriage. - Law undergraduate - Financial & Capital Market Enthusiast

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