The Wordle answer 276 has been confirmed for March 22, 2022. Today’s answer is no doubt going to be a tough one for players to work.
This is largely because of a duplicate consonant, though the word itself is rarely heard in everyday conversation. Need another hint?
Today’s word has one vowel in position 3. Require even more help? Then continue to read on for the Wordle 276 answer.
What is the Wordle answer 276? (March 22, 2022)
The Wordle answer 276 is “SLOSH.”

“SLOSH” as a verb means to “(of liquid in a container) move irregularly with a splashing sound” or “hit (someone) hard.” As a noun, it means “an act or sound of splashing” or “a heavy blow.” (Definitions from Oxford Languages)
“SLOSH” will be tough for players to find. The double “S” is especially tricky, as it’s unlikely to be caught in any of the early guesses. Even if a single “S” is locked down, players aren’t likely to find the second one until the later stage of the game. The “L” and “H” are also challenging. This is a word that many will be unfamiliar with, further adding to the difficulty.
Those finding it hard to find the right answer should try to use all of the available guesses to knock out as many letters as possible. Provided you aren’t playing on Hard Mode, which forces players to use confirmed guesses in the following attempts, it’s possible to use each new guess to eliminate as many potential letters as possible.