On Saturday, a tragic incident occurred in Oke-Keesi, Itoko area of Abeokuta, Ogun State, where a middle-aged woman known as Mama Dada set herself ablaze in her rented apartment. Mama Dada committed suicide due to her inability to repay a loan she had taken from a microfinance bank whose name was withheld.
According to Rasheed Aina, a resident near Mama Dada’s house, the loan was approximately N70,000, and she killed herself because she was unable to repay it. Furthermore, Mr. Babawale, the Secretary of the Community Development Association in the area, revealed that Mama Dada owed the “Gbomu le lantern” N70,000. When she was unable to meet up with the repayment, she sent her last born to buy fuel and then locked herself inside the room. She then drenched herself and the room with petrol and set everything on fire.
As a result, the entire building was razed, and Mama Dada’s remains were burnt beyond recognition. Her body was deposited at the state General Hospital, Ijaye, by the Ogun State Fire Service.
Efforts to reach the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Abimbola Oyeyemi, for comments were unsuccessful as his phone was unreachable at the time of this report.
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