
Wale – 3 Days 3 Hours

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Wale - 3 Days 3 Hours

Here is “3 days 3 Hours” from Wale’s latest Free Lunch EP.

Sampled from Wiz Khalifa’s “Up” song off his classic “Kush & Orange Juice” mixtape released in April 2010.

This sample is literally a perfect tune for a mari~juana smoker. However, Wale flips the songs original meaning displaying how clouded his thoughts truly are of this woman he is venting about.

Quotable Lyrics:

Just got off the stage, know you sleepin’, but wait
Just lost my voice for this crowd I only seen your face in Everywhere, but these women real as a fairy tale
Can barely talk but you hit my line, I’ma hear you well
I need that vibe from you ’cause spendin’ time on this bus
Take the power from my brain, in-between your thighs they should rest

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