
Twitter Removes All Legacy Verified Badges

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Twitter Removes All Legacy Verified Badges

Microblogging platform Twitter has eliminated all free verified badges from its site. These legacy badges, which were granted before the introduction of Twitter Blue by the platform’s new owner, Elon Musk, have now been removed.

An investigation by TalkGlitz revealed that numerous high-profile individuals, including celebrities, influencers, journalists, and others who were previously verified without a subscription to Twitter, have lost their verification status.

Further examination disclosed that organizations, government accounts, and other top government officials with Gold and Grey badges have not been affected by this change.

Last week, Twitter’s owner, Elon Musk, announced April 20 as the final date for removing legacy verified accounts from the platform.

Prior to Musk’s acquisition of the microblogging site, verified Twitter users did not have to pay for verification or a monthly subscription to maintain their verified status.

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