Russian President Vladimir Putin shows no sign of being willing to engage in “serious diplomacy”, US vice president Kamala Harris said.
Speaking during a visit in Romania, Harris said the US is committed to finding a diplomatic solution and restated her country’s commitment to protecting fellow Nato members.
From the beginning, the United States has been attempting sincerely to engage in diplomacy.
From everything that we know and have witnessed, Putin shows no sign of engaging in serious diplomacy.
Russia is deploying its playbook of lies, misinformation and acts of aggression in Ukraine, Harris said.
Any attack on or targeting of civilians in Ukraine is a war crime, she said.
We are clear that any intentional targeting of civilians is a war crime. Period.
She continued:
It is painful to watch what is happening to innocent people in Ukraine who just want to live in their own country and have pride in themselves as Ukrainians, who want to be home speaking the language they know, going to the church that they know, raising their children in the community where their families have lived for generations and by the millions now, are having to flee with nothing but a backpack.