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Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

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Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

The Yoruba actress diva took to her instagram page and posted this picture online and asked her fans to “caption it”. Many did’t find it funny as they faulted the actress and mother for showing off in such manner.


A video posted by Mercilicious (@mercyaigbegentry) on

Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

Mercy Aigbe Gets Naughty On Set, Fans Lash Out On Her

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