
#innosonmotors: What Nigerians Are Saying About Car Brand On Twitter

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#innosonmotors: What Nigerians Are Saying About Car Brand On Twitter

Nigerian citizens have are showing pride and support for the country’s vehicle manufacturing company, Innoson Motors, highlighting its great strides and encouraging others to patronize the brand.

Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Co.Ltd. (IVM) is a Nigerian automobile and bus manufacturing company founded by Innocent Chukwuma. It runs a plant in Nnewi, Anambra State with 70% of its car parts produced locally.

An IVM Fox Innoson Car

It’s a thing of joy to see Nigerians identifying and promoting the vehicle brand on social media and the success of the company shows how much potential we possess as a nation.

IVM G80 Brandspur

IVM CEO and Founder, Innocent Chuwuma

Innocent Igediaso Ckukwuma was born in 1961 in Nnewi, Anambra State. He is a business magnate and investor. He is the founder and CEO of Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, the first indigenous automobile manufacturing company in the country.

A graduate of Theatre Arts who is also a scriptwriter, editor, director, and movie critic.

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