
From WhatsApp Group To The Altar: Read Interesting Love Tale Of Blogger, Mister Redefined

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From WhatsApp Group To The Altar: Read Interesting Love Tale Of Blogger, Mister Redefined

Bramiah Sheriff also known as Mister Redefined ia walking down the aisle with his girlfriend, Kafilat. The blogger proposed to her girlfriend sometime in February with singer, Aramide as a witness. Interestingly, he shares their love tale of how it started from WhatsAapp group to the altar.

From WhatsApp Group To The Altar: Read Interesting Love Tale Of Blogger, Mister Redefined

Read what he has to say:

Believe it or not… Our love story started from a Whatsapp Group and it’s leading to the altar!

“Sometime in March of 2016, I was minding my business on Facebook as usual when I got a message from an ex school mate ‘Ucheora’ asking if I’d love to join a whats-app group created for ‘our’ secondary school 2005 set, of which I eagerly accepted and dropped my phone number for her to add me up.

From WhatsApp Group To The Altar: Read Interesting Love Tale Of Blogger, Mister Redefined

Shortly after, I was added to the group and everyone introduced themselves. The group was home to a dozen or so married men and women and ofcourse some of us still single & slaying. I can’t totally recall what happened exactly, but I know someone (Omasan or Kemi) ‘Jokingly’ tagged us (Myself & Kafilat) together as possible couples, and as a bad sharp guy, catching wind of the fact that one of the most beautiful & homely babes back then in school is yet to be taken officially and is still very much available, I immediately took advantage of that and went Banky W & Adesua all up in her DM. I slid into that DM like Masherano trying to save the game mehn; I slid in there so hard, you’d think I was ice skating in the arctic circle. When she responded almost immediately, for a few seconds I became Messi with that 500th legendary goal scoring euphoria.

It was the little things really. That awesome moment when your crush replies even your silliest of jokes with ‘LOL’ & it’s as if you’ve achieved something in life.

Days go by and still, we kept in touch via DM on a low, getting to know each other better and impatiently anticipating, waiting, for our first reunion get-together; which at this juncture I must say, was starting to take forever to come into fruition.

The Big Day!

Our first encounter finally came on the 20th of March 2016, after trying tirelessly to get her to meet with me, but all attempts had proved futile. We met at Spur, Ikeja city mall(ICM) for our overly anticipated reunion which I ended up hosting. I watched her like a hawk and eventually summoned enough courage to ask her out, but, she declined. To me, this was Initial shakara aka pre-gragra. She had mentioned she was in a relationship and insisted on being nothing more than just friends at the time. As a soldier at heart, I wasn’t going to let go, it was a no retreat, no surrender mission for me. Based on logistics, I personally suggested to be her Un-official boyfriend as na the work wey we dey do.

One thing lead to the other and we started dating officially soon after and now, we’re walking down the aisle… ”

TechPreneur & Marketing Executive

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