
‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett Reveals Details Of His Ongoing Court Case [VIDEO]

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‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett Reveals Details Of His Ongoing Court Case [VIDEO]
Jussie Smollett says it’s been hard to remain silent over the issue

Jussie Smollett never returned to the popular Fox series that made him famous, no thanks to the incident with the Osundare brothers. Now, he has shared details of the ensuing court case in Chicago.

Best known for playing the character of Jamal of Empire, Smollett was a fan favorite until the nasty incident occurred and put a dent on his career.

The 38-year-old wasn’t at liberty to reveal a lot about the ongoing case but he did mention how difficult it has been to be silent about the situation.

Jussie Smollett

In an interview with journalist Marc Lamont Hill, Smollett said:

“It’s been beyond frustrating because to be somebody that’s so outspoken… it’s been difficult to be so quiet. To not be able to say all of the things that you want to say, to not be able to yell from the rooftop.

Because, I don’t think people realize that I’ve just been wrapped up in some form of a case for the last, approaching, in just a couple of months approaching two years. It’s been beyond frustrating. I’m certainly not going rogue. I’m still taking the advice of my attorneys and everything like that. But I just don’t see honestly what staying quiet has really done. Where it has gotten me.”

Taraji P. Henson, Jussie Smollett, and Terrence Howard in EMPIRE

The actor also admitted that he wasn’t going into the next court date with much hope.

“They won’t let this go. It doesn’t matter. There is an example being made. And the sad thing is that there’s an example being made of someone that did not do what they’re being accused of.”

Smollett as Jamal

It will be recalled that Jussie Smollett was accused of masterminding a fake hate crime in 2019, resulting in the city of Chicago suing him for overtime costs for officers involved in the investigation of the case.

See the video of the virtual interview below:

A graduate of Theatre Arts who is also a scriptwriter, editor, director, and movie critic.

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