To ensure that an individual interested in the networking and security fields has all the required skills, Cisco 200-901 DEVASC Exam the certification program with different levels for the candidates with any level of expertise. Thus, if you want to get knowledge of how to develop and maintain the applications, which are built on Cisco platforms, you can go for the Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certificate.
What should you know about Cisco 200-901 DEVASC?
This is the only exam that you need to pass in order to obtain the certificate. The test is also known as Developing Applications and Automating Workflows using Cisco Platforms, and there is no need to fulfill any requirements before taking it. The only thing you should do is to prepare for its topics with great deliberation to have a good understanding of the concepts covered in the path. However, if you have more than one year of experience developing software and know about Python programming, it will be a huge benefit for you during the exam.
Also, you should know that the Cisco 200-901 exam is 120 minutes long, and you will need to deal with about 100-110 questions. The passing score is about 825 points, and the test is available in Japanese and English. To register for this exam, you need to visit the Pearson VUE platform and choose the language along with the delivery method. The test will cost you $300.
What will you learn after passing Cisco 200-901 DEVASC?
While preparing for the Cisco CCNA Certification Practice Test, you will learn many new and useful skills that you can use to perform your tasks at work. If you prepare wisely, you will gain the following expertise:
- You will be able to recognize common protocol port values;
- You will know how to interpret a basic network topology diagram with the elements, such as load balancers, switches, routers, port values, and firewalls;
- You will learn the components as well as benefits of the CI/CD pipeline in infrastructure automation;
- The ability to identify the proper DevNet resources for a given scenario will be added to your skill set as well;
- You will have the skills in troubleshooting a problem given HTTP response code, request, as well as API documentation;
- The concepts of the test-driven development are what you will also explore;
- You will be able to describe the purpose and usage of IP addresses, gateways, subnet mask/prefix, and routes;
- You can earn the skills in utilizing Bash commands;
- You will be able to describe the purpose and usage of VLANs and MAC addresses.
In addition to gaining the needed skills and knowledge, you will get many benefits if you prepare for this test and pass it with a high score. The certification you obtain as a result of your hard work can provide you with a better salary and a prestigious job. The job market will be able to offer you a wide range of positions, so wait no more and enhance your career now!