
How To Pass IELTS Exam (Score Band 9)

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How To Pass IELTS Exam (Score Band 9)
Pass Score Band 9 in IELTS

For many struggling to attain the pass score for IELTS, talkGlitz curates a rundown of steps to score band 9 in each section

IELTS is widely taken by students of non-English speaking countries to seek admission into universities, study, and work or get trained in the UK, Australia, Canada, or New Zealand. Your IELTS score will lay the foundation for your dreams to get admission in a reputed University with subjects of interests or get work permits. IELTS checks student’s capability in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Here we provide you tips and tricks to score band 9 in each of these sections.

Tips to Score in Listening:

No repetition of Audio second time: be careful and attentive when audio is being played. You have to listen, read and write at the same time.

Attention is important: give detail to every word of the speaker, information about the speaker, whom he is addressing, where is he, etc., this will help you in answering the questions easily.
Jumping to conclusions may result in wrong answers: Don’t be in a hurry to answer. Let the speaker complete the information, the answer might be revised in the later sections. If you have missed any questions move on to the next question, you will be given time to write answers on the sheet that time you can correct it.

Be careful, avoid mistakes: check for silly mistakes such as spell errors, plurals, word forms, etc.
Develop the habit of watching English TV shows documentaries, etc, so you develop listening skills and it also improves your vocabulary.

Tips to Score in Reading:

Making important notes: give a glance to the whole text and highlight the important points to save time while answering.

Vocabulary – Familiar or Unfamiliar: do not panic if you come across words that you are not familiar with and do not know the meaning, you can give a guess!

Check for Spellings: even if your answer is correct but has spell error it will be marked as wrong only, so be careful while answering.

Finding answers for all the questions: there is no negative marking in your IELTS test so you can attempt all the questions without fearing a loss.

Tips to Score in Writing:

Understand the question: read the question carefully and understand the question which is to be answered. Stick to the answer and do not provide any necessary extra information.

Be very clear on what is needed: make sure your explanation is simple and clear without the use of complicated vocabulary or write too many words. Be crisp and clear to score well

Formal writing is important: don’t write writing tasks in informal language. Follow the standard writing structure for IELTS Writing task 1 (Introduction, overview, and specific details) and IELTS Writing task 2 (Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusions).

Deviation of any kind may lead to a low score in IELTS: the answers should be as per theme without providing any extra information or scattered thoughts on the topic. The test aims to assess your writing.

Tips to Score in Speaking:

Physical Appearance Matters A Lot: the examiner will physically see you and make an impression about you, so better you look good and confident.

Think Twice Before You Actually Answer: you don’t have to jump to answer, you can take some time, maybe you can rephrase his question to buy some time and be coherent while answering.

Don’t Panic or Don’t Get Carried Away: if you think you have made a mistake, there is no harm trying to make-up for it elegantly.

Be Communicative, Be Confident: people try to speak less to hide mistakes, but it is not correct. Be communicative and give small explanations with answers this will help in the easy assessment.

Time is an important constraint, so candidates should try their best to answer the maximum questions correctly in the stipulated time. IELTS will be a cakewalk provided you show dedication and practice regularly!

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