It is easy to get distracted in the daily business of living and look up one day and realize you are not getting any younger, and you are not really where you thought you would be in your life. Building a life that you love and that you are proud of is not always something that happens organically. You need to take proactive steps to create the life you want, and the first step in doing so is to know what that life looks like. Too often, we fall into a career because it is the next step, the first offer, or related to a class we found interesting in school. Likewise, it is easy to spend endless hours watching mindless shows or playing video games just because it is what is easy. Getting yourself out of these ruts can be challenging, but it is worthwhile.
Go to School
Whether it is for an undergraduate or graduate degree, spending time and money on education is not wasted. You may be surprised at how invigorating you find returning to the classroom. You will undoubtedly make better use of the time than you did directly after high school. After being out in the world for a while, you have a better idea of your interests, strengths and weaknesses. You know what you want to focus on, and where you would like to expand your knowledge. You do not need to turn your life upside down to return to school. Student loans have favorable interest rates and allow you to pay for your classes without creating a pinch in your budget. You can choose to take one or two classes a semester if you are balancing your education with a full-time job. Online and evening courses make it possible to earn your degree without changing your current employment.
Try a New Hobby
Falling into the habit of collapsing in front of the television every evening, endlessly scrolling on your phone, and meeting friends for drinks on the weekends is probably not the life you envisioned for yourself. Finding hobbies that you enjoy give you a reason to get out and participate in the world outside your workplace. If you played, and enjoyed, a sport in school, look around online and see if there are local rec leagues where you could play. If you have never been active, but would like to get more exercise, consider running, hiking, bike riding, or other sports with a low barrier to entry. Exercise is great for both your physical and mental health, but there are other hobbies you can participate in. If you haven’t picked up a book recently, consider reading before bed. Tending to plants, putting together an aquarium, or restoring old furniture are all hobbies that do not require much skill but allow you to learn and see immediate benefits to your labor.
Everything Doesn’t Have to Change
Building the life you want shouldn’t require you to change everything in it. It means taking careful consideration of what you do, and deciding which actions add to your quality of life, and which ones take away or are neutral to the life you want to build. If you savor sitting down in front of a particular show each week, eating a favorite snack, and discussing the show with friends later, it is adding to your life. Just resist the urge to let that activity develop into a habit that eats away at your free time.
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