
Pick Single Mum Above Single Lady With Several Abortions – Actress Opeyemi Aiyeola Advises Men

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Pick Single Mum Above Single Lady With Several Abortions – Actress Opeyemi Aiyeola Advises Men
Pick Single Mum Above Single Lady With Several Abortions – Actress Opeyemi Aiyeola Advises Men

Popular Nigerian Actress, Opeyemi Aiyeola has took out time to advice men over their choice of marriage. She advised her male followers on Instagram not to ridicule single mothers.

The movie star cautioned them against ditching single mothers for ladies who have carried out many abortions. The actress in a post shared on her Instagram page approached the topic of marriage and the kind of women that men should consider when it is time to start a family. According to Aiyeola, it is better for men to go for single mothers who have welcomed two or three children rather than getting married to single ladies who have carried out multiple abortions. She wrotes:

“Better marry a truthful single mum after 2 or 3 kids than marry a lady with 7 abortions pretending to be an angel yet she’s a mother of graves.”

See her post below:

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