
Ogun Corpers Sensitize Motorists On Service Delivery

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Ogun Corpers Sensitize Motorists On Service Delivery

Servicom CDS Unit of Ogun State, Odeda Local Government went on her sensitization programme to ASERO Motor Park, Asero, Abeokuta.

The justification of the sensitization was to enlighten the drivers on SERVICE DELIVERY (the right to be served right) alongside other essential areas to implement safety while driving; Road signs and meanings, accident and its management, Steps to minimize crash risks, Safety precautions, and regulatory compliance, Passengers relation, and interaction with the security agencies (NPF, FRSC, VIO, etc)

Ogun Corpers Sensitize Motorists On Service Delivery

Ogun Corpers Sensitize Motorists On Service Delivery

Ogun Corpers Sensitize Motorists On Service Delivery

IGE Oluwatobi Olumide, the CDS unit president, opened the floor of the program. He laid emphasis on delivery being ‘safe’ and not just ’quick’. And those tragedies are preventable, passengers lives should be of great regards by the drivers, funds for implementing safety is minimal compared to the cost of crashes.

He also emphasized on the relevance of right customer relation and communication attitude.

Mr Toheeb, the unit’s Treasurer took the floor by talking on the road signs and symbols; the meaning(s) with the aid of diagrams. Shukura; a member of the unit added to the point by advising the younger ones in this line of business to avoid being subjected to violence or going through risks at the expense of their lives and at the favour of highly ranked personalities. She made mention of herself being a proud product of the fund from this line of business (transport).

Thereafter was when Mr. Yemi talked about accidents and its management. the possible ways to avoid crashes, safety precautions to take while driving, the use of seat belts, alcohol intake, vehicle maintenance and all others.

Muraina Abibat, the PRO, spoke on attitude towards the passengers and how to effectively relate with the security agencies along the road.

She talked about the drivers knowing their rights and the document(s) each of these agencies has the right to request from them, keeping their vehicle papers updated and much more.

So many questions and suggestions were up during the question and answer section.

The drivers pleaded for the intervention of the government and the concerned agencies as regards the installation of the road signs at the appropriate spots on the road and the possible maintenance along Odeda to Odogun road.

A person, in particular, an elected representative of the NURTW appreciated the effort of the unit after which photographs were taken and then dismissal.

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