A young man (anonymous) is crying for help as he finds out his wife is pregnant for his next door neighbour.
According to his narration, he’s confused and don’t know what to do – in his own words, ‘someone should please talk to me before i commit suicide’ – yes, it’s that serious.
Read his story:
Someone should please talk to me before I commit suicide because right now I’m in a state of unknown and don’t know what to do. I had to create a new account to remain anonymous. The story might be long please follow through and advise me abeg.
For years now I’ve been having serious health challenge that scans and medical couldn’t detect. I met my wife 4 years now and she is just the best in everything. I love her so dearly and she has been so helpful financially because my business isn’t going well at all due to my absence for years now just up and down. I was attacked on my waist down to my leg, making me unable to walk for few minutes.
The first year we met, she became pregnant and she travelled to her state unknown to me and she had miscarriage there and since then we were looking unto God for another baby. We were both medically OK. I mean our fertility test but I remembered vividly that time, I had a dream where I was urinating and someone stood on it when I finished and when I woke up I didn’t take the dream serious. I can’t really say if na before or after but my wife became pregnant and I was so happy.
Fast forward to 8 months later, the resemblance of my baby and my neighbors baby was too much. That my neighbor is married with 2 kids (girls). His first daughter and my daughter resemblance is too much, that one day like this I said to my wife face that my daughter resemble that my neighbor daughter but I don’t even have anything in mind at all. I wasn’t suspecting My wife to do such because I trusted her so much.
Meanwhile, before I got married, I was told from two different sources that I had a child somewhere and up til now I’ve not set my eyes on the child or his mother. But from my findings I remembered one girl I had an affair with way back which am suspecting that she might be the one and till today I’ve not set my eyes in her and don’t know her whereabouts and also due to my condition of being broke for years now I never bothered to look for them.
Now the issue is this, 3 days ago I travelled to somewhere to treat myself spiritually, the church actually because I’ve tried medically for sometimes now and from there they started to tell me about my wife that she is a very powerful person that she knows that I had a child outside. That I should be careful and watchful blah blah blah. My real problem now is that I’ve been extremely broke for sometimes now So her shop rent expires few months back. We’ve been looking for a way to get the money and just yestidey I saw on WhatsApp, she sent account number of her colleague in her place of work yo a number saved as G. And the guy (my neighbor name started with G) they guy replied OK but I dony know how much was sent to her. My instinct immediately tells me that they were have an affair for a long time and the child is his. The funniest part is that my wife and that my neighbor wife were close friends in the compound. I. Remembered one day that she was accusing my wife on dating her husband I defended my wife bluntly.
That man of God even told me he is now aware that I’ve known her secret of the child father as we were discussing it that she is scared and waiting for my reaction when I got home.
I came back yesterday, my wife were skeptical and uncomfortable at all and me because of my health challenges for years now couple with being broke All the time, I love my wife so very much I don’t know how to deal with the situation. Carrying my child now am seeing my neighbor face because he is very fair and my baby is fair and am dark.
The kind anger that burn inside me towards that my neighbor no be here and before the idiot even do greet me. How do I handle him though they are relocating soon.
Should I confront my wife hot or cold? She is even still telling me about the shop rent that she hasn’t got anything. I will just look at her and shake my head.
I’m not sure even sure If that my neighbor wife is aware because if she did war will brake out because she trusted my wife so much with the way they relate in the house.
Why am even scare more about myself is that ever since she gave birth, we’ve been having sex and she she never get pregnant. Do u have spiritual problem getting her pregnant?
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