
Biola Adebayo Reveals Early Career Struggles and Success of Her Podcast “Talk To B”

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Actress Opens Up About Industry Pressure and Her Mission to Help Others

Biola Adebayo Reveals Early Career Struggles and Success of Her Podcast "Talk To B"
Biola Adebayo

Popular Nollywood actress Biola Adebayo recently shared insights into the hurdles she faced at the start of her acting career during an appearance on Nollywood on Radio. Adebayo revealed that she lost out on roles because she refused to date certain influential figures in the industry, highlighting the challenges many actresses face in Nollywood.

She also recalled being pressured to lighten her skin, with someone suggesting she should “tone it up a little” to advance in her career. Despite these setbacks, Adebayo remained true to herself and has become a respected figure in the industry.

In addition to her acting, Adebayo discussed her podcast Talk To B, which she started as a way to connect with and support people. “For some reason, people are drawn to me and trust me with their secrets—even those I am not close to,” she said. This natural connection led her to create the platform, offering help and guidance to ordinary people facing difficulties.

Since its inception, Talk To B has had a significant impact, raising over N10 million for various causes and over N35 million to help individuals in need of accommodations. The podcast has also provided support to people facing marital challenges, offering therapy and counseling to those in need.

Adebayo emphasized that the platform has become a source of hope for many, particularly victims of abuse and individuals going through life’s toughest moments.

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