For some ladies, getting Mr. Right will always happen when the time is right. While some are fortunate, other are still on the wait. However, most ladies have now realised the journey starts from campus life. Yeah, there you’re able to interact, share quality time together to know the true life attitude of one another.
But it’s unfortunate many ladies out their are not goal-buyers but gold ******… You can as well finish that. So you don’t end up in regret ditching that your bf with a bright future or ignoring the advances of a billionaire-in-the-making, here are some tips to help you identify if your campus boyfriend will make a rich hubby.
He has long term goals
Your campus boyfriend most likely has a wealthy future in front of him, if he’s got long term goals, that is, he doesn’t concern himself too much with frivolous comforts that are short-lived but rather invests his resources in ventures that are bound to yield great results in years to come.
He’s a problem-solver
Someone once said, “there are two kinds of people in this world – the ones who create problems and the ones who solve them”. Look at the richest man in the world – Bill Gates, what is in essence enriching him is the fact that he’s solving people’s problems. My dear, if your boyfriend has shown in more ways than one that he belongs to the latter group, stick to him and support him all the way. Trust me, you’ll never regret it.
He’s a frugal Spender
The truth is the richest people in the world today most probably had humble beginnings and so were not given to living an extravagant life from the start. They are frugal spenders who are good at avoiding unnecessary expenditure. If your boyfriend belongs to this category, then he’s most likely on treading on the path towards wealth.
He’s quick to take the blame for others
Even when he has little or nothing to do with the issue at hand, he’s quick to blame himself for whatever had happened. This shows he’s selfless and has a sense of accountability of the effects of his actions and these are qualities you’ll find in almost any great man
He’s disciplined
A man without discipline is a leaf in the wind – he’s carried away by every wave of the moment without ever having his own stand. For a man to really make it in life, this is a principal virtue to be acquired at all costs. If your campus boyfriend happens to possess this, then he’s going places.
He’s an action man
If your boyfriend is more of a doer than a talker, then he’s the real deal. Great wealth isn’t acquired overnight, it requires taking actions and pushing the right keys.
He believes in himself
He knows his strength, knows what he is very good at and he believes in his ability to be able to monetize his skills in the future. This exactly the man you need as a boyfriend and may be even a life partner.
His Influence on you
In conclusion, you’ve been dating for sometime now, now look back and see how positively and negatively he has affected your life during the short period of your relationship. I believe you can always make a decision from there on what the future has in store for him or for both of you, if you decide to continue with the relationship.