
My Outfit To MTV MAMA Was Deliberate – Korede Bello

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My Outfit To MTV MAMA Was Deliberate - Korede Bello

Mavin artist, Korede Bello has been grossly bashed on the social media for his awkward outfit last night to the MTV’s MAMAs. The Godwin singer obviously was catching fun with all the tweets and instagram posts flying around the internet about his outfit.

My Outfit To MTV MAMA Was Deliberate - Korede Bello

He finally came out to say his outfit was deliberate and he did it for the sole reason to get you guys talking. And so good for him, we talking.

Meanwhile, it was deliberate guys ? (especially for Twitter) #Mechanic Thank you @boogymaboi ❣ ?

A video posted by Korede Bello (@koredebello) on

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